In the personal training environment, trust is our most powerful asset. Your clients must trust your exercise selection, trust your spotting techniques, and trust your coaching procedures. They must also trust you, as a professional, enough to be open and discuss their strengths, weaknesses, goals, and receive other feedback during a session.

The most challenging thing about establishing trust in this gym environment is that trust is earned and built; not given. In this presentation, I will provide some simple, yet effective strategies to help utilize the art of building trust within personal training to maximize client engagement and retention.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to define the art of trust-building.
  • What elements go into the art of building trust and how to successfully build client trust in the personal training setting.
  • How to identify useful strategies to help fine-tune the art of building trust.
  • How the established trust can be applied to yield greater client success and retention in personal training.
  • What techniques to avoid in order to unintentionally compromise the client trust that you've established.

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