Much of the fitness industry, club styles, programs offered, pricing, professional development, etc. is based on tradition. Sure, new equipment shows up on the market, but mostly it's just a rehashing of other equipment. True innovation rarely happens.

Enter improvisational theater and the concepts of "yes, and..." (the basis for all creation in improv), creating safe spaces to swing big, and learning to truly listen to others without judgment. Standing out in your market can make all the difference in the success of your business. If your space, your programs, your people were truly different from all of the rest, people would flock to you. I

In this session, you will learn how the concepts of improv can change the fabric of your business.


  • Learn how the concepts of improv can change the fabric of your business.
  • Learn to stop rejecting ideas and instead say "yes, and..."
  • Learn to fully listen to others to understand what they are truly trying to say
  • Learn to apply these skills to the creation of your space, your programs, and your interactions with your employees

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