"Only the strong survive" is an evolutionary statement that also applies to the fitness industry. Last year's pivot to the virtual world resulted in massive growth for the virtual fitness space.

The virtual world is here to stay as 68% of Americans who began using an online fitness service during the pandemic plan to continue to do so in the future. Fitness equipment can be expensive, and for many, home fitness is a challenge due to a lack of space or motivation. The fitness consumer of the future wants it all; virtual, in-person, and outdoor workouts, not just one or the other.

This session will highlight the importance of creating a memorable virtual and in-person experience and transform them from ordinary to extraordinary.

After this session, participants will be able to:
1) Describe what it means to be a Hybrid Fitness studio. 
2) Identify the most popular clients coming into the fitness industry.
3) Discuss how to create an at-home fitness solution that is safe and affordable.
4) Determine the demands of fitness clients while providing exceptional service and overall experience.

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