Many commercial health clubs are beginning to explore Medical Fitness, but to the majority it is still an unknown entity that sounds both expensive and complicated. In reality, Medical Fitness is neither, and properly designed and implemented medically directed fitness services can attract new demographics, offer new services, and drive numerous new non-dues revenue streams.

This seminar will provide a functional introduction to Exercise Is Medicine, and a clear, easy-to-adopt road map to bringing medically directed fitness services to a commercial health club setting. We will explain what medical fitness is and isn’t, why it is so important to the future of the industry, and discuss the protocols, programming, and profit-center potential inherent in sound medical fitness implementation. 


  • Understand how medical fitness applies to a commercial health club
  • Recognize how medical fitness can benefit their overall members’ experience
  • Identify opportunities for effective and potentially profitable medical fitness implementation
  • Be prepared to begin smooth medical fitness implementation in their facility

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