Pete D’Epiro will share his 30+ years of experience crafting a stable and lucrative career while pursuing his passion within the fitness and performance industry. This session will cover pivotal topics that include: the role of education, employee versus self employed work, diversifying both within and outside the industry, work/life balance, rethinking your billing system to create financial stability, and work ethic and professionalism.

Whether you are just starting out, have been at it for many years, are a solo practitioner or a facility owner, this wide ranging discussion can provide valuable and practical take home nuggets that you can implement right away to improve your career and provide quality service.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stages of building a career: what to focus on as a new, intermediate, or advanced trainer in the industry.
  • Business structure: Identifying the best type of business for you, billing practices, lifestyle balance.
  • Diversify: Diversify business offerings to optimize success... within and potentially outside of the industry.
  • Professionalism: Building a reputable business through fair and professional practices and work ethic.

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