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Shannon Fable is a sought-after speaker, author, and thought leader in strategic innovation, implementation, and integration. Over the past 25 years, she has  helped impressive brands, including ACE, Anytime Fitness, Schwinn®, Power Systems, Silver Sneakers, FIT4MOM, and BOSU®, as well as solopreneurs, create, clarify, and simplify their products and services to increase their impact.

More about Shannon


Sean Greeley, NPE Founder and CEO, has an unrelenting passion for empowering fitness entrepreneurs to create the income and lifestyle they want. A  husband, father, athlete, coach, and sought-after consultant, he’s led fitness professionals and business owners to success at every level of fitness business growth – from the newly certified coach getting their first few clients to to publicly traded global enterprises needing to improve performance.  

More about Sean